February 11, 2025

Health Supplements

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18 best energy gels, drinks and chews for running

18 best energy gels, drinks and chews for running
18 best energy gels, drinks and chews for running

<h2 class=”body-h2″>What is the best thing to eat during a run?</h2><p class=”body-text”>’It takes around 500g of carbohydrate to fill your glycogen stores and, at most, this will last you for 60-90 minutes of running at 55-75 percent of your <a href=” data-vars-ga-outbound-link=”>maximal heart rate</a>,’ explains leading sports dietician Renee McGregor. ‘The faster you go, the sooner your stores will deplete.'</p><p class=”body-text”>McGregor recommends consuming 30-60g of carbs per hour for the first three hours of running, increasing to 60-90g of carbs per hour if you’re still going after that. This can be in the form of gels, drinks or solids. <br></p><p class=”body-text”>While gels are easy to carry, some runners prefer to consume carbohydrate drinks, which help to maintain <a href=” target=”_blank”>hydration</a>, preventing the need to carry/consume additional drinks, and are often easier on the stomach.</p><p class=”body-text”>Those with sensitive stomachs might also prefer to take on solids – such as energy chews or bars – which can also provide some welcome variety in texture and flavour and so work well if running for long periods of time.</p><p class=”body-text”>Some products also contain caffeine, which can help to give a mental and physical boost during the last hours of a race, while others contain <a href=” target=”_blank”>electrolytes</a> which help the body to stay hydrated. </p><h4 class=”body-h4″>&gt;<em><a href=” target=”_blank”>Everything you need to know about nutrition for runners</a></em>&lt;</h4><hr><h2 class=”body-h2″>How we test</h2><p class=”body-text”>As part of the <a href=” target=”_blank”>2024 <em>Runner’s World</em> Sports Nutrition Awards</a>, we enlisted four leading sports nutritionists to evaluate over 150 sports nutrition products across eight categories. They judged each based on their nutritional make-up, quality of ingredients and formulation, with only those that best met runner’s needs going forward for further testing. </p><p class=”body-text”>Then, in the <a href=” target=”_blank”><em>Runner’s World </em>Lab</a>, our expert test panel, made up of our editors and other experienced runners, trialled the products during exercise over a four-week period, rating each product on flavour, aroma, texture and ease of use, as well as the impact it had on performance, where relevant. To avoid brand bias, packaging and other identifiable elements were removed, and preparation instructions were followed to the letter. Feedback from our nutritionists and testers was then analysed and each product was awarded an overall score. Look out for our esteemed <em>Runner’s World Sports Nutrition Awards 2024 </em>badge below. </p><p class=”body-text”>The remaining entries on our list have been hand-picked by our editors, who have completed hundreds of long distance events between them and know what to look for and what to avoid in an energy product. So, without further ado, here are the best energy gels, drinks and chews that will have your back when you’re flagging mid-run.<br></p>”/>

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